CISIA tests
- TOLC (Test OnLine CISIA) is aimed at those who want to enrol in a degree course that requires the assessment of initial knowledge. In some cases, such as for courses with limited access, the TOLC is used as a selection test
- ITA L2 the Italian language proficiency test for those enrolling at an Italian university from non-European countries. From the test comes Bravo! ( site where you can find the information you need to start your studies in Italy from outside Europe
- ARCHED the admission test for degrees in architecture and construction engineering
- OFAs (Additional Educational Obligations) used by universities to enable the fulfilment of additional educational obligations assigned at the enrolment stage of a degree course.
CISIA takes a leading role in the project Orientazione, created together with universities through the POT and PLS projects. Orientation facilitates the coming together of schools, universities and students, offering opportunities for discussion and the chance to test knowledge and skills.
In addition to services for university access, scientific research activity is strong, consisting of studies, data analysis, conferences, publications and the provision of interactive graphs on the most relevant indicators of test and trial activity.
TOLCs provide quantitative elements to:
- assess the level of incoming preparation, including excellent and meritorious profiles
- assign any additional entry training obligations and subsequently assess their fulfilment
- carry out selection procedures for admission to degree courses with limited access, where applicable.
The TOLC also has a predictive capacity: the higher the score, the more likely it is to complete studies with a higher grade and in a shorter time.
Using TOLC enables the acquisition of important data useful for the scientific studies conducted by CISIA and contributes to the test improvement activities.
For more information visit the information section.
To register for TOLCs or for information on our activities write to organizzazione[at] and we will contact you as soon as possible.