A TOLC can be held in two different formats:
- TOLC@UNI: in university classrooms, using the devices provided by the university
- TOLC@HOME: remotely, using your laptop and a smartphone or tablet to join the virtual room on ZOOM.
Check the TOLC format by the university on the admission notice of your degree course.
When choosing a TOLC date to book, pay attention to the format displayed in the first column of the Available Dates calendar.
Read the Guide to find out more about:
- Getting ready for the TOLC@UNI
- Starting the TOLC@UNI
- Downloading the TOLC@UNI results.
Read the Guide to find out more about:
- Getting ready for the TOLC@HOME with the necessary devices and technical requirements
- The room configuration
- Starting the TOLC@HOME
- Joining the ZOOM virtual room
- The identification phase
- Downloading the TOLC@HOME results.
Follow these steps to book your TOLC.
ATTENZIONE puoi avere la Ricevuta di avvenuto pagamento e iscrizione con l’orario del test solo se:
- scarichi e installi l'APP Horizon
- completi il pagamento (carta di credito o mav)
- carichi la foto del profilo
- carichi il documento di riconoscimento.
Download and install the HORIZON APP Book your TOLC
Leggi Come prenotare un TOLC per sapere come fare.