What is CISIA
CISIA (Consorzio Interuniversitario Sistemi Integrati per l'Accesso) is made up of state universities and supports universities in matters of orientation and access, with a focus on testing and improving entry preparation.
It is a non-profit consortium established in 2010, preceded in 2005 by the creation of an inter-university centre.
There are 62 universities that constitute CISIA, together with the Conferences of Engineering, Architecture and Science, the CUIA (Italian University Conference of Architecture), the CopI (Conference for Engineering) and Con.Scienze (National Conference of Presidents and Directors of University Structures of Science and Technology).
The establishment of the centre first, and the consortium later, stemmed from the universities' need for a common tool to standardise evaluation processes.
Why is CISIA a consortium?
CISIA is more than just an extension of the universities. It is an organic element of the universities, setting itself the same goals and contributing to the development of the university system.