Università degli Studi di Teramo
Website: www.unite.it
Test website:
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Contacts for students with disabilities and SLD:
I TOLC di questa università
To enrol in Biotecnologie you must take TOLC-B (in Italian).
It is an open access bachelor's degree programme with an assessment test.
Read the test website carefully.
To enrol in the following bachelor's degree programmes, you must take TOLC-AV (in Italian).
Those courses are open access bachelor's degree programmes with assessment tests.
- Scienze e culture gastronomiche per la sostenibilità
- Scienze e tecnologie alimentari
- Tutela e benessere animale
- Viticoltura ed enologia
Read the test website carefully.
To enrol in Economia, you must take TOLC-E (in Italian).
It is an open access bachelor's degree programme with an assessment test.
Read the test website carefully.
To enrol in Scienze Politiche, you must take TOLC-SPS (in Italian).
It is an open access bachelor's degree programme with an assessment test.
Read the test website carefully.
To enrol in the following bachelor's degree programmes, you must take TOLC-SU (in Italian).
Those courses are open access bachelor's degree programmes with assessment tests:
- Giurisprudenza
- Servizi giuridici
- Scienze della comunicazione
- Discipline delle arti, della musica e dello spettacolo (DAMS)
- Turismo sostenibile / Scienze del turismo
- Diritto dell'ambiente e dell'energia
Read the test website carefully.
To enrol in Biotechnology è necessario sostenere l'English TOLC-F.
It is an open access bachelor's degree programme with an assessment test.
Read the test website carefully.