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Università degli Studi di Trento

University's TOLC

To enrol in the following degree programmes, you must take  TOLC-S (in Italian):

  • Fisica
  • Matematica

Read carefully the admission notice.

To enrol in the degree programme in Viticoltura ed enologia you must take TOLC-AV (in Italian).

Read carefully the admission notice.

To enrol in the degree programme in Scienze e tecnologie biomolecolari you must take TOLC-B (in Italian).

Read carefully the admission notice.

To enrol in the following degree programmes, you must take TOLC-E (in Italian):

  • Economia e management

  • Gestione aziendale

  • Gestione aziendale part-time

  • Amministrazione aziendale e diritto

Read carefully the admission notice.

To enrol in the degree programme in Scienze motorie sport e benessere you must take TOLC-F (in Italian).

Read carefully the admission notice.


To enrol in the following degree programmes, you must take English TOLC-I or TOLC-I (in italian):

  • Ingegneria informatica, delle comunicazioni ed elettronica

  • Computer, communication and electronic engineering (percorso in lingua inglese)

  • Informatica

  • Informatica - Computer Science (percorso in lingua inglese)

Read carefully the admission notice.


To enrol in the following degree programmes, you must take TOLC-I (in Italian):

  • Ingegneria civile

  • Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio

Read carefully the admission notice.


To enrol in the degree programme in Ingegneria industriale you must take TOLC-I (in Italian)

Read carefully the admission notice.

To enrol in the following degree programmes, you must take  TOLC-PSI (in Italian):

  • Scienze e tecnologie di psicologia cognitiva

  • Interfacce e tecnologie della comunicazione

Read carefully the admission notice.

To enrol in the following degree programmes, you must take TOLC-SPS (in Italian):

  • Sociologia
  • Studi internazionali
  • Servizio sociale

Read carefully the admission notice.


To enrol in the degree programme in Giurisprudenza you must take TOLC-SU (in Italian).

Read carefully the amission notice.


To enrol in the following degree programmes, you must take TOLC-SU (in Italian):

  • Beni culturali

  • Filosofia

  • Lettere e Storia (Studi storici e filologico-letterari)

  • Lingue moderne

Read carefully the admission notice.

To enrol in the degree programme in Economics and management you must take English TOLC-E.

Read carefully the admission notice.