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Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo

University's TOLC

To enrol in Informatica - Scienza e Tecnologia, you must take TOLC-I (in Italian) or  TOLC-S (in Italian).

It is an open access bachelor's degree programme with an assessment test.

For information on how to apply, read the course website carefully.

To enrol in Economia e management, you must take TOLC-E (in Italian).

It is an open access bachelor's degree programme with an assessment test.

Read the test website carefully.

To enrol in Informatica - Scienza e Tecnologia, you must take TOLC-S (in Italian) or TOLC-I (in Italian).

It is an open access bachelor's degree programme with an assessment test.

For information on how to apply, read the course website carefully.

To enrol in Lingue Moderne Applicate, you must take TOLC-SU (in Italian).

It is an open access bachelor's degree programme with an assessment test.

Read the test website carefully.

To enrol in Scienze e tecniche psicologiche, you must take TOLC-PSI (in Italian).

It is a limited access Bachelor’s degree programme.

For information on how to apply, read the admission notice carefully.

To enrol in the following degree programmes, you must take TOLC-SPS (in Italian):

Those courses are open access bachelor's degree programmes with assessment tests.

For information on how to apply, read the course website carefully.

To enrol in  Scienze Motorie, Sportive e della Salute, you must take TOLC-F (in Italian).

It is an open access bachelor's degree programme with an assessment test.